Homonyms are words that are spelled the same and sound the same but have different meanings., e.g. TIRE which can both mean to grow fatigued and a part of a wheel.
Homonimy są to słowa, które mają taką samą pisownię i wymowę, ale inne znaczenia, np. słowo TIRE, które może znaczyć zarówno męczyć się, jak i opona.
W tym wpisie przygotowałam dla Ciebie 10 homonimów, a na koniec małe ćwiczenie. Enjoy English:)
Word in English (Słówko w języku angielskim) | Possible meanings (Możliwe znaczenia) |
watch | zegarek / oglądać |
well | studnia / dobrze |
book | książka / rezerwować |
drop | kropla / upuścić coś |
play | grać / sztuka teatralna |
bat | nietoperz / kij do gry w baseball lub krykieta |
faint | mdleć / słaby, niewyraźny, wątły |
bank | bank / brzeg (rzeki) |
tip | czubek, koniuszek / napiwek/ wskazówka |
gum | guma do żucia / dziąsło |
And now, the task:
Read through the pairs of sentences below and try to work out what the missing words are. I have already done number one for You.
A teraz zadanie:
Przeczytaj pary zdań poniżej i spróbuj odgadnąć brakujące słowa. Pierwszy przykład już dla Ciebie zrobiłam.
1. | WATCH | We hardly ever …………………. television . Her aunt promised to give her a brand new …………………. as soon as she had learnt to tell the time. |
2. | In some countries, it is against the law to chew …………………. in public. My …………………. suddenly began to bleed as I was brushing my teeth. | |
3. | My husband can’t stand the sight of blood. So I think he will ………………. watching the delivery of our child. His voice on the phone was so …………………. that I could hardly understand what he was talking about. | |
4. | Our …………………. offers 4.5% interest. I saw him sitting on the river …………………. and fishing. | |
5. | When I went out, I felt a …………………. of rain on my skin and so I started to run. Be careful! Do not …………………. that, please! It’s too precious to lose. | |
6. | Let’s fly to Paris! Ok, I’ll …………………. the plane tickets then. The …………………. I’ve just read is extremely interesting! | |
7. | When we were having our windows changed, we saw a …………………. hiding in the attic. To play cricket you need a special helmet, a pair of gloves and a …………………. to hit the ball. | |
8. | Do you want to …………………. with us? I do love the last …………………. we saw in the theatre. | |
9. | When she came into the room, the whole …………………. of her nose was red. We were so satisfied with the service that we gave the waitress a big ………………….. . | |
10. | My great-grandparents used to take water from a huge …………………. at the bottom of the garden . Peter was ill, but he’s very …………………. now. |
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