Homonyms are words that are spelled the same and sound the same but have different meanings., e.g. SPRING which can both mean to move quickly and one of the seasons of the year.
Homonimy są to słowa, które mają taką samą pisownię i wymowę, ale inne znaczenia, np. słowo SPRING, które może znaczyć zarówno skoczyć, jak i wiosna.
W tym wpisie przygotowałam dla Ciebie 10 homonimów, a na koniec małe ćwiczenie.
Word in English (Słówko w języku angielskim) | Possible meanings (możliwe znaczenia) |
fence | uprawiać szermierkę/ ogrodzenie |
change | zmiana/drobne (pieniądze) |
bear | niedźwiedź/ znosić (sytuację) |
beat | rytm/pokonać |
blow | cios/dmuchać |
tie | krawat/zawiązać |
bridge | most /brydż (gra karciana) |
swallow | połykać/ jaskółka |
general | ogólny/generał |
stamp | znaczek (pocztowy)/tupać, tupnąć (nogą) |
And now, the task:
Read through the pairs of sentences below and try to work out what the missing words are. I have already done number one for You.
A teraz zadanie:
Przeczytaj pary zdań poniżej i spróbuj odgadnąć brakujące słowa. Pierwszy przykład już dla Ciebie zrobiłam.
1. | FENCE | We were forced to make a new …………………….. after a car hit it and destroyed last year. I like films like The Three Musketeers where actors …………………….. and ride horses. |
2. | His latest song has a very good …………………….. . Manchester United …………………….. Chelsea 3-0 in the last match. | |
3. | Many children cannot …………………….. up their shoelaces. You needn’t wear a suit and a …………………….. for the meeting. | |
4. | I cannot ………………. her constant whimpering! When we were in Yosemite National Park we saw a huge ………………….. . | |
5. | Could your grandfather play …………………….. ? Yes, he was pretty good at it. First, go straight on, turn left, then cross the …………………….. and the statue is just in front of you. | |
6. | Let’s put this chest of drawers over there! I need some …………………….. . Lily, have you got any ……………………. ? I’ve got only £20 note on me. | |
7. | You don’t look well. I think you should call your …………………….. Practictioner. Being a …………………….. is a very responsible job, I think. | |
8. | Last spring a …………………….. built a nest under our roof. I find it difficult to …………………….. when I’ve got a sore throat. | |
9. | When I was a child I couldn’t …………………….. up any baloon and it drove me really mad. Suddenly, I felt a sharp …………………….. to my head. | |
10. | Every children started to …………………….. their feet in time to the music. Can I have a first-class …………………….. , please? I want the letter to arrive by tomorrow. |
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